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Times Record Community Matters: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick

Times Record

Community Matters is a monthly series highlighting the great work local nonprofits are doing in our area. Proudly supported by Priority Real Estate Group and Rusty Lantern Market

This month’s message from Big Brothers Big Sisters Bath/Brunswick

Big Brothers Big Sisters Wishes to Say Thank You, Volunteers!!

For the past year, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick has preserved and strengthened their connection to youth in the community, and have been able to adapt the delivery of services so that families, volunteers and school-partners have had continuous support throughout the course of the Covid-19 pandemic. Amid the uncertainty, “it is the volunteer Bigs that have provided positivity, consistency, air hugs and high-fives, along with lots of laughter and love whether through safe in-person contact or virtually,” says Executive Director Lindsay MacDonald. “We continue matching Bigs with children that are waiting as part of our Community-Based Mentoring Program and we are supporting nine school partners through programs.”

When matched with a Big, children improve their self-confidence, they have better ability to express themselves and to make decisions; children increase their interests and hobbies and have a better outlook on their future. When matched with a Big, children have improved academic performance and classroom behavior and an overall better attitude toward school. One teacher has shared this feedback of a student that is matched with a Big, “Her and her Big Sister were well matched. She was always excited to tell me about everything they did together, which was an impressive list! Many of the activities were educational as well as fun. I appreciate the emphasis on the joy of learning.”

As we conclude National Volunteer Week, celebrated each April as, “an opportunity to recognize the impact of volunteer service and the power of volunteers to tackle society’s greatest challenges,” – Big Brothers Big Sisters is eternally grateful to all of our volunteer Big Brothers and Sisters! We thank our Bigs for their commitment and concern shown to each one of our Littles! To learn more or to volunteer as a Big, serve on a committee or apply to be a board member, BBBS of Bath/Brunswick invites you to connect through our website, call 729-7736 or find us on Facebook, IG and Twitter.



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